About Us

About We Care International

Based in Ghana’s capital, Accra, We Care was established in 2016 as a charitable organisation, dedicated to championing an improved quality of life for empowering women, children, youth, and the marginalised groups, WE CARE, actively engages in community-based social services in the areas of education, health, sports and agriculture among others in order to give equal opportunities to the vulnerable ones and underprivileged communities.
It has among its objectives to provide social interventions and community services for the underprivileged communities and vulnerable people, particularly women and children. We operate mostly at the hinterlands of Ghana, where majority of the people there lack social amenities and other social services such as education and health. Although we are based in Accra, we also have regional presence.
 - Commitment to the poor, the underprivileged, the marginalised, he handicapped, people living with HIV/AIDS and people living with disability. Justice
 - Belief in social justice and in carrying out this philosophy, we work to ensure equal opportunities for all irrespective of sex, colour, ethnicity, age, religion and race. Mutual Respect
 -Value and regard for all people equally and acting in a way that respects the dignity, uniqueness and intrinsic worth of every person; the needy, donors, staff and their families as well as our cherished partners and volunteers Partnership
 - We accept the obligation of joint participation, a shared goal and mutual accountability that our partnership requires. We recognize our beneficiaries as key partners at all levels and will, at all times, be guided by the relationship especially in signing contracts with donor partners.

Our Mission

Our Mission
Our mission is to ensure that every Ghanaian child has access to quality education. This, we do, by raising funds to build schools in communities where there are no schools and also send our volunteer teachers to such schools to the pupils. We also work with communities and community-based structures and liked-minded organizations to build the capacities of community members and affected groups to demand their rights and live a life of dignity.
Our Vission
It has among its objectives to provide social interventions and community services for the underprivileged communities and vulnerable people, particularly women and children. We operate mostly at the hinterlands of Ghana, where majority of the people there lack social amenities and other social services such as education and health. Although we are based in Accra, we also have regional presence.

— We need your helping hand.

WE CARE cannot realise its vision and mission without your kind support. We work in collaboration with benevolent individuals, organisations and entities to effect the changes we want to create.

Help us achieve these bold goals by donating to us in any form, either in monetary terms or in kind. We prevent human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and donors. Thank you.

Account Number Fidelity Bank AC# 1050051549919